Age of Turing Wikia

Posted August 26, 2015 | Original Link





A dear friend has asked me to explain to her the old tradition of pay-it-forward, a topic I find quite worthy to cover. As many people might already know the practice involves the act of helping a person or group who has fallen victim of discrimination without expecting repayment, suggesting that instead help be made later on to the next person or group suffering hardships. Most recently, the tradition has become a bit more popular with all of us who find ourselves thrown aside by a society who values automation far more than human struggles.

That been said, I must admit that the tradition means quite a lot more to me. For many years now I find it has been a constant source of inspiration, keeping me grounded and mindful, and giving me an opportunity to be grateful for what I have. And being such a fan of origami, I was particularly touched when I came across the story of the first time a forward chain was started with an origami. That particular story has stayed with me over the years, and I am only too happy to share it now just as it was originally told to me. The image of the letter I’ve posted is a copy of the first known reference to an origami forward.

I hope you like this story, Abigail, and that you feel inspired by it just as I have been since the time I first came across it.

xoxo, Emily


  • This was posted by Emily in response to a conversation between her and Abigail. Abigail did not know the concept of Pay it Forward.
  • Mentions Alan Turing