Age of Turing Wikia

Posted August 8, 2015 | Original Link | Blog Link

Hey guys, I know I am meant to post tutorials here, but just wanted to get this out of my chest. I really think that little moments of kindness is how we'll change the world.


Could we all just be nice?


Hey Guys so I started this channel originally for myself and for my love of origami, but I thought today I would do a vlog to just kind of get something off of my chest. So... I work at the center of autism robotics interaction and there's this seventeen-year-old girl named Abigail that has been coming in for a few months. And I just found out today that she actually doesn't have anywhere else to go. And she's the nicest most adorable person I've ever met and she's actually grieving the death of her only friend right now, but she's so positive. And she comes to the center and she teaches all the kids math, which she's amazing at. But I also found out today that she has been bullied her whole entire life for being autistic. And I don't understand why people would be so unkind to others that are different. It's such a poisonous behavior and I feel like this hate has been everywhere lately. Like with the new AI everybody has been talking about and its the first aware AI, but people are so scared. And from what I understand of it, it's just curious about what it means to be human, but, I don't understand when when wanting to learn became so threatening to people. People expect this AI to choose to be nice, but practically everybody wants to eradicate it. We are so obsessed with otherness it's ridiculous. I mean we are different; we're all different. If anything, I mean I think we are common is our pursuit of happiness. And I know for me it's so hard every single day to fight all these things that hold you back, but that's not an excuse to give up or to harass people or to bully people. And I just wish, like I really believe that if we were kind and help others instead that it would actually make a change in people's lives. Especially those that are alone and afraid. I don't know, this is kind of a rant video now, but... I just wish I could say something that would actually change things. Anyway... Thanks for watching and sticking through this, painfully... but just, just be nice. Thanks guys, bye.


  • Copy of Mediation Today on back counter, seen as image in her June 13 blog post talking about where she runs into Charles J. Conde, named Atlanta’s most eligible bachelor by the magazine.
  • She is holding an origami figure.
  • There is an origami or other figure on the counter
  • She has a tattoo of a bird on her left forearm
  • This video is noticed by H4181TA1